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How to Set Up a Strong Aim?

 Set up Goal:

Think about what you want to achieve first, and then commit to it. Set smart (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-relevant) goals that motivate you and write them down to make them feel solid. Then work from the bottom of the list eliminating issues that are not worth it.

Goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about the ideal future of PK and motivating oneself to turn this vision of reality into reality.

Setting goals helps in matching choices where want to go now in life. Exactly what you want to achieve after you know how to focus your effort. You will quickly see the distractions that can easily lead you astray.


Why set Aims in Life:

Top athletes, successful business, and success aim in all fields. Setting goals gives you long-term vision and short-term vision. It focuses on your acquisition of knowledge and helps you manage your time and resources so that you can make the most of your life.

By setting quick, clearly defined goals, you can feel measured and proud in achieving those goals, and you will see the progress that may have seemed like a long, useless mill before. You will also increase your confidence because you achieve the goals and objectives that you have set.

Start Personal Aim in Life:

You set your goals on several levels:

• First you want to make your "big picture" with your life (or more, say, the next 10 years) and identify the broader goals you want to achieve.

• Then, you will break them down into smaller and smaller goals that you have to hit to reach your life goals.

• Finally, once you have your plan, you will start working on it to achieve those goals.

That's why we begin the process of setting goals by looking at your lifelong goals. Then, we work on what you can say, the next five years, then next year, next month, next week, and today, to start moving towards them.

Some Steps to Target Your Aim:

Step 1

The first step in setting personal goals is to consider what you want to achieve in your life (or at least, something important and distant in the future). Setting lifelong goals gives you a holistic perspective that shapes all other aspects of your decision.

Step 2

Once you've set your lifelong goals, set a small five-year plan that you need to complete to reach your lifelong plan.

Then work from the bottom of the list eliminating issues that aren't worth the fight. Each of these should be based on a previous plan.

Step 3

Whether you realize it or not, your time management skills are much better in later life than when you were young. It was easy to waste time when you didn't have a job, a house, and a family to look after. You will manage your study time to stay fit in and around your life.

Step 4

Take a look at what you've accomplished so far in life - it's graduation, career, a family - you know what you can achieve. You have more discipline than you did when you were a teenager. If you want to learn something new - you can!

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  1. I love your five year goals. This is definately something we should all do to keep hope in darker times!
